Oxfordshire Speech Therapy
Independent Speech & Language Therapist sally.szyndel@virginmedia.com
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
07730 702739
How I Work
When I am asked to see a child, an initial consultation will be arranged. This allows me to take a case history from parents/carers and assess the child’s communication skills using both formal and informal assessment.
Following the assessment, I will then agree a course of action with parents – this may be a review in a few weeks or months time or a block of regular therapy sessions. I will usually provide practical strategies or specific activities for parents and/or school to carry out between sessions to support the work I am doing.
I am happy to see children in their own home, or in their school/preschool setting. I ask that whoever is carrying out the homework activities attends the session as well so that they are aware of what we have covered.
Schools can also employ my services to provide training about speech and language difficulties in the classroom and strategies to help children with speech and language difficulties in the classroom.